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The Weymouth & Portland Branch of BSAC was formed in 1976 and registered as branch number 0853. At that time, one of the founder members was an instructor so he became the Diving Officer.

The first intake of trainees numbered thirty and met in the Youth Activities Centre. The branch continued to expand through the 70s and plans were formed to publish a Divers Guide to  Weymouth & Portland, this was first published in the early 80s and that edition sold 1500 copies. The proceeds helped towards purchasing more equipment. Also during this period an Avon W460 inflatable with a 40 HP outboard engine and equipment was purchased with the aid of a grant.

1984 saw the branch exhibiting at the Dive Show, then held at Crystal Palace, where the success of the branch was on display and the Divers Guide was on sale.(The most recent edition is the fifth published in 1999 and was reviewed in Diver magazine that same year).

Because of all the hard work and enterprise that went into establishing and developing the branch, in 1984 we won the Heinke Trophy. The Heinke Trophy is the BSAC premier award and is awarded annually to the BSAC branch judged to have done the most to further the interest of its members and of the BSAC. 


The branch continued to expand and with it the diving horizons, this led to us chartering local boats for some of our diving.


In 1990 the boat house was completed to house the boat and store equipment and has served the branch well to date and tribute must be paid to the foresight of the then members.

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